A lot of people think ice is an acne treatment that works. As an effective body acne treatment it maybe is not so great but ice does has some uses in back acne treatment. What ice can do is help relieve the pain and maybe reduce inflammation and size of cysts and acne spots.
It does this by shrinking the size of the capillary veins and reducing the blood supply and tissue around the spots or cysts. This can reduce the size of spots and cysts and make them less red. The ice also cools the skin and may reduce pain by the coldness and by reducing the swelling, tightness and pressure on the skin.
![Ice to cool cysts Ice to cool cysts](http://www.eacnetreatmentsthatwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Icetocoolcysts.jpg)
There are people that have tried using ice as an acne treatment. People can have some initial success with zapping pimples with an ice cube at first but later on may have more outbreaks. Ice should not be used as a long term acne treatment. I would recommend it only for a large painful spots or cysts.
I will explain the best way to use it. Put a few ice cubes in a cloth or some paper kitchen towel. This will stop you getting an ice burn on your skin which could be worse than the acne you are trying to cure. Believe me if the ice sticks to your skin it can be pretty sore. Let the ice melt a bit in the cloth. Apply the cloth and ice to the cyst or acne spot for 1 to 5 minutes. Wait 15 minutes and apply the ice in the cloth or towel again for 1 to 5 minutes. If the spot is still sore later on, you can reapply new ice (in a cloth or paper towel) in 2 hours again for 1 to 5 minutes again if you need to.
There are people that make daily face masks of ice, breathing through straws and do all sorts but this is not an effective long term acne treatment that works. It only reduces the size of the spot but other spots will keep on coming. You still need to carry on with your washing and other treatments.
Ice is only a temporary relief acne remedy. Ice can give good relief for painful cysts on your back or body, but you do need an effective back acne treatment to combat the source of the spots.
Body acne can also occur during pregnancy and be painful, so ice is a good natural pain reliever for pregnant women. I will cover more in acne treatment pregnancy advice.